About us

The company's official name is Sport Industry or Спорт Индустрия in Russian. The companions decided to shorten it to SpIn - but it didn't sound good in English, so somebody suggested turning it into Spine instead. The name stuck and is now a registered official trademark. In English Spine means "thorn", "prickle". SPINE products have character, they attract with a bright color.


The history of Spine is that of business in Russia in the last 30 years. It all started with fins.



It all started with fins

The break-up of the Soviet Union leads to industrial collapse. Three young chemical plant automation engineers realize that their professional skills won't be much in demand any time soon and decide to try themselves in business. The Volga river is nearby and somebody suggests they try to buy & resell fins for swimming. When the first batch is swept off the shelves the trio quickly realize that producing fins themselves is a better way forward.


« Initially, we knew nothing about how business works, but we were young and willing & able to work for 20 hours a day. There were no such things as day-off, holiday or vacation for the first few years. But the market was wide open and there was a unique chance to establish ourselves in it that we took. »

Dmitry Vargin, co-founder & CEO


From fins to ski-boots

The local market for fins & goggles is close to saturation – after all, the Russian swimming season is only a couple of months long in most places. To grow, an area much more relevant to millions of Russians needs to be found. Meanwhile, a local factory has fallen on hard times. It was producing boots for the Russian military for nearly a century but, with army orders evaporating, equipment is idling and hundreds of skilled workers are facing the prospect of becoming unemployed.

Spine purchases the factory and switches production from military boots to those for cross country skiing.

« There are 100 million people in Russia alone who live in snowy winter regions. Skiing lessons re compulsory in schools and even in universities. We realized that if we manage to pair modern Western technology with the skills of Yaroslavl shoemakers, we have a chance to become the leader of this large marker segment. »

Dmitry Vargin, co-founder & CEO



Russian and the world market leader

Spine – the world's largest manufacturer of ski boots with over a million pairs shipped yearly to retailers domestically and all over Europe. A new factory with cutting-edge equipment is up and running. The experience gained in working with Western partners improves the quality. Proximity to end-users helps in understanding their requirements and to adjust as needed.


« Our partners were trusting us for many years to produce ski boots under their label – but in mass and mid-level segment, keeping the production of high-tech, top-shelf racing products to themselves. Naturally, it became a challenge for us and we told ourselves: ' We have the best equipment, a great team, we are close to some of the world's best ski trails – now it's time we make the world's best ski boots! »

Dmitry Vargin, co-founder & CEO

That's how Project Ultimate was born


Five-time world champion - SPINE Ambassador

Ragnar Bragvin Andresen from Norway wins FIS World Rollerski Championship using just-out Spine Ultimate from Yaroslavl. Rollerskiing is more demanding than traditional skiing on a boots' construction. The Spine team feels vindicated in their decision to get the world's leading rollerskiers involved in boots development and testing.


SPINE Custom Fit - individual approach

Spine rolls out something that many talked about before but nobody implemented: bespoke boots. SpineCustomFit includes 3D scanning of one's feet and production of fully customized carbon fiber soled boots based on that scan. As a bonus, a customer can choose one of five (soon to be expanded) available color schemes.


« Those are not casual or fashion items – those are true-blood racing boots made for your feet only and in your colors. They will energize you like nothing has before! »

Dmitry Vargin, co-founder & CEO


Lifestyle collection with a Scandinavian character


The company does not stand still and, in addition to the ski-boots, manufactures trekking shoes, even tries the production of specialized shoes for cycling.

Inspired by a collaboration with a Norwegian skier and combining its best technologies, SPINE launches the SPINE Lifestyle collection for day-to-day use. This collection combines Scandinavian minimalism with bright accents. Lagom (just the right amount), Flamma (fire), Hygge (cozy calmness), Jorden (earth) - the names of the models remind us that once upon a time on the Yaroslavl land where SPINE is located, traces of the Vikings were found. Today SPINE provides stylish and reliable footwear to the modern "Vikings" who love adventure and appreciate comfort.


« One of the main settlements where our cultures fused is the Yaroslavl Region. After 1000 years, we live on this earth - the heirs of those great times. And we want to provide shoes that will not fail on a difficult but exciting journey to strong and adventurous people. It is not in vain that the Vikings used to say: "The one who does not swing in one direction or the other stands firmly on his feet". »

Dmitry Vargin, co-founder & CEO


SPINE Running – коллекция беговых кроссовок


Замысел создания специализированной обуви для бега возник у компании давно, и на протяжении нескольких лет велись активные разработки. В процессе создания кроссовок специалисты компании тщательно изучали опыт и технологии других производителей, сотрудничали со спортсменами разных уровней, проводили испытания продукции. Параллельно с этим компания постоянно совершенствовала свои производственные процессы, искала новые решения.

Яркий дизайн и современные материалы новинок придутся по вкусу как спортсменам-любителям с разным уровнем подготовки, так и профессионалам: в линейке представлены как модели для быстрого бега, так и более универсальные кроссовки для тренировок в различном темпе.

Первая линейка SPINE Running содержала 4 модели: Сarbon Pro, Titanium, Corsa и Rift.


«Компания всегда стремится удовлетворить потребности своих клиентов, спортсменов. Когда мы увидели современные беговые кроссовки, то поняли, что можем разрабатывать и создавать беговую спортивную обувь. Собрали команду талантливых дизайнеров, конструкторов и технологов, которые помогли создать красивые и функциональные модели. Также мы разработали собственное производство подошв из пены, что позволяет обеспечить высокое качество и долговечность продукции.»

Dmitry Vargin, co-founder & CEO

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